Natural Burial Prices at our burial ground situated 1 mile from Dartmoor National Park and 15 minutes by car from Exeter.
£700 per Green Burial plot, this price includes use of the log cabin at the time of the funeral if required.
£100 Grave digging cost, this is not quoted by most but listed in disbursements after the event, please note if comparing costs. Coffins larger than 28" wide and longer than 78" please get in touch for digging quote.
£300 Grave preparation, maintenance.
Please note the above price does not include funeral director's fees, if you elect to use their services.
£450 for ash burial with no tree or marker of any description
£450 for adding ashes to existing grave
£700 for ash interrment and coppice sapling supplied by us.
Natural Slate plaques, 30cmx30cm max can be supplied to mark grave please contact us for prices.
Please contact us about registering an interest and pre-purchasing plots or for further details and queries.