Updates from Crossways Farm and Crossways Woodland Burials throughout the year.
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January 2019 Eco Friendly/ Natural Burial & Farm Update.
We have just had our audit from the ANBG our governing body and our record keeping and procedures are all in order, so you can rest assured we can provide the funeral you wish for.
We are the longest running open ANBG site in Devon and experience counts!
We are the nearest privately run burial ground to Exeter, 15 minutes by car along the A30.
Being situated just 1 mile from Dartmoor National Park, we offer stunning views of the moor.
After 15 years and 250+ burials we have the experience to provide the burial and funeral of your choice.
More and more people are turning away from the "normal" routes for a funeral and opting for a green or Natural road that is really personalised for the deceased and their immediate next of kin, some include a religious ceremony others do not bring any religion into proceedings, our local funeral directors totally encompass our thinking and provide a brilliant level of service if required alternatively a family can carry out a funeral all by themselves and we can provide guidance and assistance to facilitate this.
The last year has seen some great ceremonies at the burial ground.
We have recently received a lovely letter of Thanks for the writer's father's funeral, also enclosed a lovely poem the deceased wrote after his decision to join us on his demise, the poem will be on display in the cabin shortly.
Some quotes with reference to recent funerals --
" I wanted to thank you for the wonderful job you did for Peter's last resting place. You made it all very meaningful and I know Peter would have been pleased, such a beautiful peaceful place."
"Big thank you for your support and advice, Michelle would have loved it all, really pleased my Dad was able to help carry cocoon (coffin) ...meant a lot to us" (this funeral was organised and done without any input from a funeral director)
" You have a very special spot there in a working countryside enviroment, I am sure Dad will be well looked after in years to come, Thank you again."
"It meant such a lot to the whole family being so involved in Paul's funeral, such a lovely place run by lovely people, Thank You."
" When Mother said she wanted to be buried at your site, we as a family were a bit sceptical, oh how wrong we were, it was perfection, a lot of the other attendees were so impressed I think you will have a few more burials to add to your list."
The Natural burial ground is now starting to mature as the trees grow and a certain amount of pruning and tree work has been carried out, any decent sized cuttings used in the logging business, and the banks wil be coppiced next winter opening up the views of Dartmoor once again, the wildlife is moving in, a raptor has made it his favourite hunting ground and we have recently seen a barn owl quartering the field at dusk looking for the voles that are in abundance, a badger passes through at night on his patrol and a red hind and her fawn have visited, the insect and bird life is in abundance as you will notice if you want to visit, please do as there are no restrictions on visiting times but--------
Please shut the gates on departure, it would appear some cannot, if this continues it will lead to restricted visiting hours for all.
The Farm is in winter mode
The ewes are being got ready for lambing in February and May
This years crop of lambs are all sold fed a totally forage based diet, consisting of a Chicory herbal grass mix, including red and white clovers to reduce the amount of artificial fertilizer needed as requested by our top of the range supermarket buyer.
TB testing time looms always a worrying time.
We have had a Carbon Survey done and it would appear we are very nearly carbon neutral, with our wind turbine, solar panels, woodburning stove central heating & tree planting programme, which is most pleasing, do not think the crematorium can claim that.
Another 200 saplings are to be planted this coming winter.
Our sustainable firewood business is building, all wood is locally sourced and most would of gone to waste, you will see timber stacks that are drying out around the car park awaiting processing, part of a living working countryside.
We believe we have the experience and knowledge to provide you with the funeral you want and desire after nearly 15 years of running our site.
Please get in touch for any help or assistance required.
Martin & Julie
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