About Crossways Woodland Burials
The idea of a woodland burial site providing green funerals first emerged when a friend was diagnosed with a serious cancer. She asked us if an eco/green burial on the farm would be possible, as she felt the local cemetery was impersonal and stark. After a lot of research and attending more traditional funerals, we decided that we would like to give people the chance of a real alternative.
The woodland burial ground has been established since 2004 and as of 1st January 2013 we have had a total of 143 burials. We have added a log cabin, which can be used and decorated for funeral ceremonies and we have also installed a composting toilet.
Crossways Farm has been run as a family farm for over 20 years. We have a flock of around 550 sheep producing lamb, which is sold to a high-end supermarket and also a herd of beef cattle. We run the farm with minimal input of chemicals and medicines, using homeopathic remedies when we can.
We aim to farm in harmony with the environment and are part of The Countryside Stewardship Scheme. There is a 6kw wind turbine and solar panels on the farm, with excess electricity going to the Good Energy Group. We heat our home with coppiced woodland from the surrounding farmland.